That being said, lets take a page from one of our favorite bloggers, 50Undercover...
Things we've learned about each other....the H50Fanatics.

Ellen: @ess270
Ellen began her twitter life 2/12/2011
Lives and works in Santa Rosa, CA
Married for 26 years to Brian and has 2 sons
She's a very talented, award winning quilter
Loves chatting with Deb while having her morning coffee
Was the 1st of us H50fanatics to meet Alex O'Loughlin
in person (up close & personal)
Spends her weekends boating with her husband
Has a mild (cough cough) obsession with Alex O'Loughlin
Mick St. John is her favorite Alex character
Flew to Hawaii in Sept 2011 to meet fellow H50 fans and
saw the Season 2 premiere of Hawaii Five-0 on a beach in Waikiki
Deb: @mickmcgarrett
Began her twitter life 12/20/2010
Lives near Newman, in Urbana, IL
She's a Critical Care Nurse for 28 years
Lives on a corn & soybean farm with her husband, Almost McG
Happily married for 29 years
Has 2 beautiful children
The longer you know her, the funnier she gets
(seriously, she's hilarious)
She is afraid of mice but not much else..snakes too!
HUGE ILLINI basketball and volleyball fan.
(yeah, the basketball is painful sometimes)
Flew to Hawaii in Sept 2011 to meet fellow H50 fans and saw
the Season 2 premiere of Hawaii Five-0 on a beach in Waikiki..AWESOME!
Stacey: @Staceyj64
Began her twitter life 2/15/11
Lives and works in Seattle, WA
Loves spicy food, shopping, and hanging out with her friends
Knows more about Alex O'Loughlin than anyone Ellen's met
(show her a pix, she'll name the scene)...we call her "the Alexopedia"
She has a beautiful daughter and a son
Stacey works too hard
Flew to Hawaii in Sept 2011 to meet fellow H50 fans and saw
the Season 2 premiere of Hawaii Five-0 on a beach in Waikiki

Maddy: @MaddyRico50
Began her twitter life 3/9/2011
Lives in Iselin, NJ
She has a beautiful daughter
Works as a Customer Service Rep. in the transportation
industry for over 20 years
Went back to school in 2008 to become a Massage Therapist
Loves gardening, photography, listening & singing any kind of music
Became a fan of Alex O'Louglin in 2010 after watching Hawaii Five-0 premiere
Loves Hawaii Five-0
Now owns every movie and tv series Alex has ever done
She would do anything for the people she's closest with (Truth)
Can rock "Sweet Caroline" and sings "Crazy" better than Patsy Cline..for realz..
Loves the New Jersey Devils
Flew to Hawaii in Sept 2011 to meet fellow H50 fans and
saw the Season 2 premiere of Hawaii Five-0 on a beach in Waikiki
Plans on moving to Hawaii one day
So, do ya see the common denominator here folks? Hawaii Five-0 and Alex O'Loughlin have truly brought four strangers together from across the country. Meeting each other in Hawaii was a blessing for all four of us. We cannot thank Peter Lenkov enough for bringing back Hawaii Five-0. Without the show and twitter, we would have never met.
The reality is this. You have to try new things. Social media too. You never know where it will lead, or who it will lead you too. In our case, it lead us to each other. Soul sisters at heart, Ohana for life.