Saturday, December 17, 2011

Mele Kalikimaka! (Merry Christmas)

What do you do when your favorite show goes on hiatus for the holidays? You write Christmas cards to your Ohana of course.  We've all been doing just that. We collected most of our Ohana's addresses when we were in Hawaii in September.  For the last week we've been hand writing cards and sending them all across the U.S., Canada, Australia and in France.  As you can see, our Ohana has grown in leaps and bounds.

Every Wednesday night on Twitter we still enjoy each others company chatting away discussing the latest 5-0 episodes, cast and crew. We call the chats "H50tins". (We love you Jools!) Our continued love for the show is very prominent online. So many new blogs, fan pages and even Tumblr accounts are popping up every day. We just can't keep up with all of them.

With the show going on hiatus and repeats from season 1 in store for the next few weeks, we just want everybody to enjoy the holiday season. Our sincere appreciation for reading our blog and taking our journey with us. We're gearing up for more exciting stories in the new year and we've got SOTB3 to plan for of course!

May you all be as blessed as we were this year. Fortunate to have traveled to one of the most beautiful places in the world, meeting the most amazing new friends and bringing home a small piece of the Aloha spirit.

Share you happiness, love, and spirit with everyone you meet. Remember to appreciate your family and friends every day. Life is to be lived, so get out there and live it!

Peace and blessings to all of you this holiday season.

Deb, Ellen, Madaline and Stacey


  1. Back at ya girls!! Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo!

  2. And to you! Békés karácsonyt és boldog új évet!
